When Elon Musk launched ChatGPT, the world was taken up by storm. Digital marketers, content writers, and brand managers were all divided when it came to its usability. But one group in particular was scared about losing their jobs – Content Writers. Conspiracy theories started emerging that content writing jobs would become obsolete. 

However, there were some who were willing to embrace the AI tool by learning about ChatGPT prompts. Rather than rejecting the AI platform entirely, some content writers spent some time understanding the tool. 

This ideology comes from one single understanding – ChatGPT is a tool. It cannot show or understand human emotions. Yes, it can write an article, but it cannot give that ‘je ne sais quoi’ that a content writer can add.

So, why not try using ChatGPT for content writing services?

But, before we jump into the 10 ChatGPT prompts, let’s take a small rerun into what ChatGPT is and how beneficial it can be for writers:

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that uses humanlike conversational dialogue to respond to queries and compose multiple written content such as essays, emails, articles, codes, and more.

ChatGPT is a form of generative AI that is query-based. This means that only when you ask it a question will you be prompted an answer. It is more of a reinforcement learning process that is connected with human feedback. This reward model ranks the best responses while the feedback augments ChatGPT with machine learning to help future responses.

Now that we understand the background of ChatGPT let’s take a look at the 10 best ChatGPT prompts for writing.

Top 10 Useful ChatGPT Prompts:

1. Generate Topic Ideas:

Facing writer’s block? ChatGPT is here to save the day! 

With a simple prompt of ‘Suggest 10 (as per requirement) topic ideas related to <keyword>’, you can generate hundreds of ideas that you can use for your daily writing needs. 

Prompt: Suggest 10 topic ideas related to <topic>

You can also use any single topic and generate similar topics based on that.

Prompt: Based on <topic>, give me 10 more topics

2. Write Catchy Headlines:

Are you worried about writing non-engaging headlines? Want to make your article headlines stand out from your competitors – use this ChatGPT prompt to make your headlines eye-catching.

Are the headlines becoming too serious or dry? Then, start by making your prompt more detailed.

Prompt: Write 5 content headlines for <topic>. Make it a little funny and quirky so that people will be interested in clicking on the article.

But what if you are writing a white paper or a case study? Then you will want the topic to be more serious and maybe contain some data.

Prompt: Write 5 content headlines for <topic>. It is for a white paper. Please make it formal and add a statistic.

If you are writing SEO headlines, make sure to stay within the word count. You can always ask ChatGPT to keep the headline within a word limit. 

Prompt: Write 5 content headlines for <topic>. It is for a white paper. Please make it formal and add a statistic. Please keep it to 50 characters.

3. Prepare Content Outline:

If you are stuck about what to write for an article, then you can always ask ChatGPT. The prompt you use should have a small description of what your blog is about and any specific keywords you want to include.

Prompt: Write a content outline for <topic>. It should contain details about <description>

Add a keyword to make it more relevant to the blog topic.

Prompt: Write a content outline for <topic>. It should contain details about <description>, also use the <keyword>

4. Build a Reader Persona: 

Are you helping a new brand build themselves? Want to help them understand their reader’s personas? Then, use ChatGPT to help make the process faster.

Prompt: Write a reader persona for a <page description>

You can also add details of your brand or specific location or demographics you want to target to make it more transparent.

Prompt: Write a reader persona for a <page description>. We plan to target <details>

5. Sprinkle Some Creative Magic:

Are you finding your content to be run-of-the-mill? Want to change it up to give a break in a serious topic? Then, use the following ChatGPT prompt.

Prompt: Rewrite the following content to make it more creative <content>

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You can also add some details that you want to include in the paragraph.

Prompt: Rewrite the following content to make it more creative <content>. Also add <information>

6. Craft Effective Emails:

Do you have your post ready but need to write an email to send out to your subscribers? Then, let this blog prompt help you draft the perfect email to send out in a jiffy.

Prompt: Write an email to <recipient> regarding <details>

You can also ask the platform to make it shorter or longer (as per your requirement).

Prompt: Write an email to <recipient> regarding <details>. Keep it within ‘number of words’.

You can also include details to make the email more clickable as soon as your subscribers see it.

Prompt: Write an email to <recipient> regarding <details>. Keep it within ‘number of words’. Make the subject line catchy with a statistic.

7. Write Social Media Captions:

Are you planning your social media strategy? Need help writing out the perfect Facebook or Instagram description that will intrigue your followers? This ChatGPT prompt will help you.

Prompt: Write social media captions for <description>

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If you are looking for descriptions for only specific platforms, then don’t forget to mention them.

8. Get Tagline Suggestions:

Are you struggling with writing taglines for specific products or content writing services? Use this ChatGPT prompt for writing.

Prompt: Provide me <number> tagline suggestions for <product/service/company’s description>

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9. Add Metaphors to Copy:

Want to write some metaphors to make your copy stand out a little bit more? Do you want to add that extra line to tie up the sentence? Use these prompts.

Prompt: Suggest <number> metaphors to describe the following sentence <description>

If you want, you can make it a little more difficult for ChatGPT by mentioning a specific type of metaphor you want.

Prompt: Suggest <number> metaphors to describe the following sentence <description>. Use <type of metaphor> specifically.

Source: The Importance of Originality: Avoiding Plagiarism in Content Creation

10. Translate Features into Benefits:

You can also use ChatGPT to help change any product/service features into benefits that customers can get from using them.

Prompt: Rewrite the following features of <product/service name> into benefits <list of features>

ChatGPT should be your friend, not Enemy!

Accepting the new can be difficult for anyone. But getting a tool that may possibly take over your job – is impossible, right? Or maybe not!

But our list of ChatGPT prompts will surely help you. They are made specifically to help make life just a little easier. Also, to speed up the creativity process.

If you have better prompts to suggest or find our prompts beneficial, then reach out to us! Are you ready to dazzle woth words? Let us craft your brand story with one word at a time.

Reach out to content witty, the best content writing company in India and let’s turn your ideas into captivating narratives.

Because every word matters. Happy Write-ing and Prompt-ing!

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